Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why cant i sing anymore?????

I dont know whats wrong with me. i havent been sick or anything...and i used to sing all of bleeding love perfectly and now i cant sing any of the high notes. i only sing at home and i know that i didnt over use it. its bothering me cause i love to sing! help. i tried drinking water but it didnt help me at all. i can sing low notes as i did before but eh high notes are history. help!!!!!
Why cant i sing anymore?????
if you are an adolescent, your voice may have changed. that happens. there is nothing wrong with being an alto.

if you are not a trained singer, you may have damaged your voice.

go to this website for more info:
Why cant i sing anymore?????
cause you could never sing
Reply:Well you may naturally have a low range and your body is trying to tell you that. Since you said that you only sing at your house, your voice is probably not strong enough to continually reach those high notes. Also you may have overdone it. You may not think that you were pushing or straining but you can%26#039;t see what your vocal cords were doing and they may have been banging together quite hard (which is a VERY bad thing)

If you rest your voice you may be able to regain some of your top range.

If you are serious about being a singer you may want to consult an ENT (Ears Nose and Throat) doctor who can look at your vocal cords and may be able to help you.

Hope things work out well!
Reply:hahahahaha, go to singing lessons or something.

maybe you just never sang well %26amp; your ears changed haahahah, suckah
Reply:The female voice is very strange in how it changes. A lot of change can be expected throughout middle school and high school where some notes will be lost in every range but will later return. Unlike guys though, women%26#039;s voices can continue to change throughout their lives, both in going lower and higher... just listen to early Modanna verses her later work to hear how her voice has dropped. But there are other cases where women%26#039;s voices do slowly get higher over the years- and they can often continue to swing back and forth.

The best advice I can give you is to work on how you produce your sound. Use good breath support and vowel placement and you will be able to keep a lot more notes than you realize- but expect that this is a fluid process for most women.

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